College Basketball: Always Glorious, Now Better

I have been a passionate fan of college basketball for as long as I can remember. March is a sacred time for me and many of my best memories come from sharing the madness with friends and family. 

With the unveiling of the Department of Justice investigation into corruption throughout college basketball, I'm neither surprised nor disappointed. 

As any follower of college sports, and skeptical non-follower, will tell you, this is not a shock. There have been movies made about the corruption and the influence of money on the "amateur" sector of big time athletics. The extent, the players, were either not known or unable to be tied to any offense. Now, the proverbial cat literally tore its way through the bag, the bottom of the bag, and so everything is falling out. 

I'm not upset. I'm not worried. In fact, I may be a little excited. Not that young men and their families will be dragged through their mistakes publicly, not that adults in influential positions took advantage of high school athletes for years. I'm excited that, at least in the interim, the corruption will slow down...maybe even fully stop for a short time. 

Where does this take us? Ideally toward the leveling of the playing field; ideally toward recruiting being a true test of a coach's ability to offer these high school student-athletes something real. No longer will the "small schools" have to compete with a chunk of cash they don't have. 

Maybe the structure is cracked, maybe the foundation shifts, but college basketball will always be college basketball.