

This has been quite a bit to unpack, and believe me, it has been like unpacking on the return home from a vacation. The goal has been to get everything out of the bags; if it ends up on the floor all crumpled and indistinguishably dirty or clean, so be it. I have done my best to disclaim enough for you to remember it was a creative exercise, more meant to inspire you to thoughts than to give you mine.

This is barely a skeleton of the tip of an iceberg. There are so many dominoes that would need to fall before and/or for this fantasy to even make sense. The current system of “checks and balances”, the three distinct branches of government, would all require major overhauls to support this bracket-style, leadership-team style of governmental leadership. Or would it? Would there still be a place for professional politicians to go about their normal tasks and contribute to society in their own way? If so, would their elections follow the traditional method or jump on the train to create a massive spider web of brackets across the country? 

What about the judicial system and appointments? Wouldn’t it be nice to have societal input on appointments for a change? Maybe even limit terms while we are at it? Would be nice to see some of the more successful Supreme Court justices find a comfortable place in The Council as well to give input in the other direction. 

There really is so much to unfold, and, like I have said, I am no expert, I am no scholar, I am no sniff of an authority on anything besides maybe teaching and/or coaching and even that is a stretch. If I could have made this a formal project, it would have taken years of research to get it “right”. That’s just the level I hope to hold myself to with any project. 

Sometimes, the ideas just need to be unleashed, letting them take on a mind of their own, whether continued within one head or extended now to many. Ask yourself the questions that came to mind, ask your counterparts, have discussions, debate the issues: Why is Entertainment one of the major Foci? Why does The Council have so much influence on the arrangement/seeding of the bracket? What’s to prevent the tournament becoming a popularity contest? Did he really suggest that some people’s votes count more than others? 

I can’t claim a single truth to anything written besides that of the truth of my own mind. Yes, I thought these things that I wrote. Do I believe them, either fully or partially? Maybe, it’s hard to say. Sometimes presenting ideas and playing devil’s advocate requires a separation from statements; talking isn’t always about saying what you want to say. 

I leave you with this final thought: 

Do the greatest ideas withstand time, or do they inspire mindful and appropriate adaptations to fit the changing world?

E pluribus unum or, in this case, E pluribus quattuor 

Own Your I, 




Here is the 2020 Bracket of The Tournament to Leaders. The Volunteered selected by The Council, ranked, and then placed into the single-elimination tournament format. (Here done completely at random for example’s sake).

As explained in The Bracket post, these head-to-head matchups would follow a schedule similar to that of the NCAA March Madness tournament. The Final Four would determine the Leader Elect Team Members, with the eventual champion becoming the Leader Elect and the runner-up Vice Leader Elect.

Please fill out a bracket! Enjoy the research, the thought process, and the results. I would be interested to hear how yours ended up, so feel free to comment here or on any other social media platform. I’ll upload a version in documents on the website for easier download/printing.

Happy 4th!



With (all) that being said, we culminate with the release of the list of the 60 Volunteered individuals. These men and women (hypothetically) were selected by The Council for their character and the traits that classify them as potential leaders. Many have exposed their own humanity while trying to better the humanity we share. Many have special interests or passions, causes near and dear to their hearts, or a fire that allows them the energy to seek success in any arena of life. Some have a long track record of accomplishment, while some simply caught this lone “Council” member's attention at a given moment in time.

As disclaimed, my research on some of these individuals was only the starting point to my understanding of their character, both professionally and personally. There was no extraneous attempt to balance numbers by “qualifiers” of candidates. Much was driven simply by a quick internet search. 

In the end, however, this list of 60 was placed within the single-elimination tournament bracket. (Thank you random number generator). Seedings and regions were all randomized, but would be the responsibility of The Council under “normal conditions”, whatever that means for a hypothetical exercise. 

Following are the individuals in no particular order.

The Volunteered

Dwayne Johnson Lynsi Snyder Sonia Sotomayor RuPaul Andre Charles Malcolm Jenkins

Joe Rogan Mitch Albom Daron Acemoglu Anant Agarwal Indra Nooyi

Mary Barra Malcolm Gladwell Will Smith Carmen Reinhart Sebastian Thurn

Hakeem Jeffries Stephen Colbert Mike Tomlin Ursula Burns Maya Moore

Bill Simmons Jeff Bezos Elon Musk Salman Khan Michelle Obama

Manny Maceda Andrew Yang Chael Sonnen Rhonda Crichlow

Kimberly Harris (ANY) JJ Watt Sundar Pichai Pete Buttigieg

Freddie Rodriguez Rose Namajunas Leonardo DiCaprio Doc Rivers

Alicia Silverstone Tony Robbins Mark Cuban Geoffrey Canada

Dave Chappelle Randi Weingarten Steve Kerr Howard Schultz

Keanu Reeves Alyssa Milano Jo Jorgensen

Jeffrey Sachs Guy Fieri Jack Balkin Angelina Jolie John Kasich

Kirsten Gillibrand Wayne Messam Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Jim Carrey Cami Anderson LeBron James Wendy Kopp