A Tournament to Leaders

A competitive format application toward (s)electing leadership of our country

Part 1 B - The Players

Disclaimer: This portion is simply the theoretical framework; no hypothetical names will be thrown out at this point. If you’re bored of my wordiness I recommend you wait until my version of The Bracket is released and then read backwards if your interest is piqued, or peaked. 

The Bracket itself will be 60 individuals, single-elimination. Those involved in the process, and explained below are:

The Council of Elders

The Volunteered

Those involved will be drawn from (roughly) 5 Foci: 

Sports, Politics, Entertainment, Business/Economics, Law/Education

At-Large bids will exist for both The Council and The Volunteered, bringing totals to:

The Council of Elders - 5 x 4, +4 (At-large), all with option of +1 and/or significant other (total: 24-72)

The Volunteered - 5 x 10, +10 (total: 60)

The Council of Elders

Is it politically correct to call a group of individuals “Elders” anymore? I feel like there may already be some kickback, but these are simply working titles. The theory here is to bring together a group of individuals, representing intelligence, success in their respective field, and a favorable national and global outlook. The Council of Elders would include:

4 Representatives from each of the 5 Foci (Sports, Entertainment, Politics, Business/Economics, Law/Education) and…

4 At-Large Representatives from any of the 5 Foci or falling under Miscellaneous

Each Representative will be extended the option of a +1

Each Representative will be extended the option of including his/her significant other

Non-exhaustive requirements to consider: 

Service to community/humanitarian efforts

The entire range of personal diversity

Length of time living in the United States (being born in the US not a requirement)

Professional skill sets and attributes

Personal skill sets and attributes

The Logic

Disclaimer: Logic can be subjective. I understand that. Again, stick with me, these are just ideas. 

There really isn’t a replacement for experience. Knowledge that has been shaped, and molded, and broken, and stretched, and refined, knowledge that has stood the test of time, or faced Time and been completely obliviated, knowledge that comes from the exposure of a soul through trials, failures, and successes is the type of knowledge with undeniable value. Now, if you’re reading this, you have probably experienced a moment in your life where “ancient knowledge” has been accepted in spite of your youthful style or ideas. When older people say, “You’re just a kid”, it stings, and it stings from a place that we could not, would not, and will not understand until we are in that position. 17 year-old me would slap me for even thinking about writing that, but 35 year-old me would know exactly what to say, and how to say it, because the experience of doubling my age and working with children/young adults has taught me a lot. 

There is also a time where age becomes a hindrance to leadership. There are numerous factors that may contribute to this. Leaving the power of decision making primarily in weathered hands is a dangerous proposition. I’m not saying there aren’t those who rise above and are effective leaders until their figurative or literal death, I’m just saying there can be diminishing returns. 

So, with that in mind, but knowing that our country will always need educated-by-experience knowledge assisting in leadership in some capacity, The Council is formed, and it is formed with the best of the best. It is formed with the resumes of world-builders, heart-fillers, and game-changers. It is also filled with individuals that we should never wish upon the demands and drains of being involved in the daily operations of running a country. These individuals have put in their work, and they may be allowed to continue that work, that passion, that purpose, and still serve upon The Council. 

Significant Other involvement is...well...significant and important for two reasons, one social/psychological and one strategic. The first being that, again, with respect to these individuals, we aren’t punishing them by plucking them from their daily lives. This is an option that the Elder is allowed final decision upon; all are welcomed, none are required. More importantly, however, is that if anyone has been together theoretically for a significant amount of time, they understand their partner inside and out. Who better to call one out than the one who has spent the most intimate time with that person? It is a level of accountability that only a significant other could provide. 

The +1 is very similar in purpose. Over the course of a lifetime, we have the opportunity to develop friendships, partnerships, relationships that are irreplaceable. These are the friends, partners, etc. who are most honest with us, who have mentored us, who have taught us in a way that allowed us to make the most of ourselves. This position allows for respect to be paid for this “service” and also brings along another mind. 

It may go without saying, there should probably be an age limit, an age ceiling, for a position that wields so much importance and demands so much mentally, emotionally, and physically. 

The Council would be primarily responsible for filling out the bracket. Their expertise and insight in their field, along with the skills and intelligences that allowed them to find success, will give them a unique perspective on who could transfer professional practice into one of political position. Their outside opinions in the other Foci could help talk through each assignment and ranking. This is very much the NCAA headquarters while selecting teams to fill out the final field of the Tournament. Gathered, comfortable, and with all the information at their fingertips, The Council would be sequestered from the world as they made their decisions. 

After The Bracket has been set, the job of The Council is completed. Once the election bracket is completed, these individuals may convene and act as consultants to the new leadership of the country, seeing as there will be a chance that winners do not have a background in managing politics at all, let alone at such an imposing level. 

The Volunteered 

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.” - Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

“Bigotry against any group should be disqualifying for high office.” - Alan Dershowitz

“No man will ever bring out of that office the reputation which carries him into it. The honeymoon would be as short in that case as in any other, and its moments of ecstasy would be ransomed by years of torment and hatred.” - Thomas Jefferson

“The test of leadership is not to put greatness into humanity, but to elicit it, for the greatness is already there." - James Buchanan

“The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one who gets the people to do the greatest things." - Ronald Reagan

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader" - John Quincy Adams

“It’s amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.” - Harry S. Truman

“Any man who wants to be president is either an egomaniac or crazy.” - Dwight D. Eisenhower

This is just a smattering of quotations in a quick search regarding the office of President of the United States of America. Not exactly a rousing sponsorship, but not exactly the opposite. Why is this group called “The Volunteered”? Simple, because they do not necessarily choose their inclusion in The Bracket. The Council will be in charge of selection of these individuals, (more on this later). 

10 Representatives from each of the 5 Foci (Sports, Entertainment, Politics, Business/Economics, Law/Education) and…

10 At-Large Representatives from any of the 5 Foci or falling under Miscellaneous

Requirements to consider: included in Part 2 - Candidates

The Logic

Disclaimer: Logic can be subjective. I understand that. Again, stick with me, these are just ideas. 

The 60 individuals selected to fill out The Bracket by The Council are meant to represent the best-of-the-best of society. Now, obviously, there are many who could rise to the top as the cream, and many of the unknown, “diamond in the rough” types may be overlooked. See this as motivation to them to further use their gifts to a level of “being noticed”. Equally, “the unknown” may naturally lack, (or not yet have learned to exposition), their “je ne sais quoi”, something that may be essential to contribute to the rule of an entire country’s society. Though yes, Democracy is meant to be of the people, this selection of 60 individuals has a much better chance of representing a greater percentage of human tendencies, desires, ideals, morals, and principles than does a few, pre-privileged individuals. There should be someone for everyone. 

Selection itself is a bit “drafty”. These individuals may have responsibilities and jobs out in the “real world”, and I am aware of this and respectful of their crafted forte. However, these are exactly the types of people that a successful, inclusive society requires. Public service is most likely a part of their prior achievement. The way they treat their employees, the way they run a business, the way they look to the future...these are all things that have helped them create a legacy that the rest of us noticed. Could this mean a hiatus from, at the very least marginally, their “true calling” in this lifetime? Absolutely maybe, but we aren’t talking about electing them to work in some gimmick, we are asking them to consider using their gifts to contribute to the growth and betterment, protection, progress, of the whole country. 

Again, our 5 Foci help us to dabble in areas of society that could contribute effectively to the running of an entire country. The skills necessary, the experience, are all components of what is required from a good leader. Instead of relying upon one candidate and a cabinet, we are aiming to create a leadership team, with consultants and experts, to better represent the entire population. 

In Part 2, we will discuss the structure of The Bracket, the continued roles of The Council and The Volunteered, and the logic behind its end results.